Country Engagement

Country engagement

Working in partnership with member countries is fundamental to overcoming the energy challenges presented by climate change and meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement.

Close collaboration with member countries is at the heart of IRENA’s work. The combination of advanced analysis techniques, effective training and local knowledge provides the foundations for realising a sustainable energy system and the opportunities it holds.

  • Climate-Action

    Climate Action

    Sharing knowledge and expertise leads to the development of country-specific energy transition plans that reflect the cost-effective potential of renewable energy technologies.
  • Renewables Readiness Assessments

    Renewables Readiness Assessments (RRA)

    RRAs are a country-led, collaborative tool for assessing the suitability of conditions in individual countries for the deployment of renewable energy, identifying actions to improve those conditions.
  • Remap

    Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap)

    REmap develops energy transition scenarios and roadmaps using an integrated energy planning approach that includes energy system modelling, stakeholder engagement and expert consultation.
  • Enterpreneurship

    Entrepreneurship Support Facility

    The aim of the facility is to provide “mentorship” support and advisory assistance to small and medium-sized renewable energy entrepreneurs on matters related to technical issues, business management and operations, and project proposal refinement.
  • Renewable potential assessment

    Renewable potential assessment

    The Renewable potential assessment aims to provide countries with the necessary data, online tools, and country-level technical analysis to identify and examine opportunities for renewable energy project deployment.
  • Flexibility-Assessments

    Flexibility assessment

    To effectively manage large-scale VRE, sources of flexibility need to be planned for, and fully exploited, across all sectors of the energy system – from power generation to transmission and distribution systems, storage and demand.
  • LTES

    Long-term energy scenarios (LTES) network

    The LTES Network is a global platform to exchange knowledge and good practices in the use and development of model-based LTES.
  • Collaborative-Frameworks

    Collaborative Frameworks

    Collaborative Frameworks are serving as effective vehicles for dialogue, peer-to-peer collaboration and exchange of knowledge among Member countries and beyond.