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    • Offshore Renewables: Fostering a Blue Economy

      Key recommendations to utilise offshore renewables at the G20 Energy Transitions Working Group (ETWG).

      Digital content Presentations Collaborative Frameworks Statistics Socio-economic impact Costs Energy transition Innovation Policy
    • A New Energy Future: The Way to a Sustainable Recovery

      Keynote speech by the Director-General on the role of renewable energy in sustainable development in a webinar organised by Renewable Energy Institute.

      Digital content Presentations Climate Action Socio-economic impact Costs Energy transition Innovation Targets & NDCs Policy
    • Enabling Low-Temperature Renewable District Energy in Cities

      The presentation offers an insight into the integration of renewable energy in district heating and cooling systems as part of a workshop organised by IRENA in collaboration with Aalborg University with the support of the Chinese Renewable Energy Engineering Institute (CREEI).

      Digital content Presentations Socio-economic impact Costs Energy transition Policy
    • Évaluation de L’état de Préparation aux Énergies Renouvelables : Mali

      Les conclusions de l’évaluation de l’état de préparation aux énergies renouvelables (RRA) soulignent les obstacles majeurs qui entravent le déploiement généralisé des systèmes d’energie renouvelable. Elles identifient des actions critiques qui pourraient avoir un impact significatif sur l’accroissement des énergies renouvelables à court et moyen termes.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Power Generation Costs Costs Local value creation Socio-economic impact Finance & investment
    • Climate change and renewable energy

      Japan, holding the G20 presidency in 2019, asked the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) for a report on the implications of the global energy transformation for climate and sustainability in a broad sense.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Targets & NDCs Policy Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Towards a Prosperous and Sustainable Africa

      This joint report by RES4AFRICA, IRENA and UNECA calls for enhanced co-operation to accelerate SDGs in Africa and support a just and inclusive energy transition.

      Publications Reports Socio-economic impact Energy transition
    • Geothermal development in Eastern Africa

      The East African Rift region holds significant geothermal potential. This report offers recommendations to fast-track regional geothermal energy development.

      Publications Reports Geothermal energy Technology Local value creation Socio-economic impact
    • World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway

      This report outlines a pathway for the world to achieve the Paris Agreement goals and halt the pace of climate change by transforming the global energy landscape.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Targets & NDCs Policy Bioenergy Policy Green hydrogen Policy Carbon capture Technology Energy efficiency Technology Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Reduce: Non-bio renewables

      G20 countries can work together to step up renewable energy development and drive an accelerated global energy transition.

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Power Generation Costs Costs Circular economy Policy Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Renewable Energy Jobs: Status, Prospects & Policies

      With governments seeking win-win solutions to the dual challenge of high unemployment and climate change, policy makers in many countries are designing renewable energy policies that aim to create new jobs, build industries and benefit particular geo-graphic areas.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact
    • Renewable Energy Market Analysis: Africa and its Regions

      The report lays out a pathway to a renewable-based energy system and shows that the transition promises substantial gains in GDP, employment, and human welfare in each region of the African continent.

      Publications Reports CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact
    • Renewables Readiness Assessment: El Salvador

      As El Salvador continues developing, renewables can stimulate local commerce and industry, help reduce electricity tariffs and improve people’s welfare.

      Publications Reports Renewables Readiness Assessment (RRA) Targets & NDCs Policy Local value creation Socio-economic impact Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact Energy transition in end uses Policy
    • Stimulating investment in community energy: Broadening the ownership of renewables

      This white paper, developed by the IRENA Coalition for Action, showcases policy measures and financing mechanisms that reflect best practices in community energy and offers recommendations to governments and financial institutions on how to accelerate its development.

      Publications Reports Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact Coalition for Action
    • Renewable Energy: A Gender Perspective

      This report examines the question of gender equity throughout sector. Building on a ground-breaking survey, it finds that much remains to be done to boost women’s participation and allow talents to be fully utilised.  

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Gender Socio-economic impact
    • 10 Years: Progress to Action

      IRENA's 10th Assembly booklet charts global advances over the past decade and calls for a new Decade of Action on renewables. Comparative graphs and data illuminate the road ahead.

      Publications Reports Targets & NDCs Policy Power Generation Costs Costs Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact Off-grid for energy access Electrification Innovation
    • 世界の再生可能エネルギー展望: エネルギー変革2050 年

      本レポートでは2050 年までの気候変動に配慮した投資、エネルギー移行に必要な政策の枠組み、及び各地域が直面する課題に焦点を当てている。また、最終的に排出量をゼロにするための選択肢も探っています。

      Publications Reports Renewable Energy Roadmap (ReMap) Global Climate Action Energy efficiency Technology Energy transition in end uses Policy Power system structures & markets Policy Electrification Innovation Macro-economic benefits Socio-economic impact
    • Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review 2016

      Renewable Energy and Jobs – Annual Review presents the status of renewable energy employment, both by technology and in selected countries, over the past year. In this third edition, IRENA estimates that renewable energy employed 8.1 million people around the world in 2015 (excluding large hydropower). This is a 5% increase from the number reported the previous year. In addition, IRENA conducted a second global estimate of large hydropower employment, showing approximately 1.3 million direct jobs in the sector.

      Publications Reports Collaborative Frameworks CF Just & Inclusive Energy Transition Energy & jobs Socio-economic impact
    • The Socio-economic Benefits of Solar and Wind Energy

      With many economies facing slow growth prospects, policy makers increasingly see chances for greater income, improved trade balances, industrial development and job creation through renewable energy deployment. However, detailed evidence on these effects remains limited.

      Publications Reports Solar energy Technology Wind energy Technology Local value creation Socio-economic impact
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